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Makes persistent efforts, wisdom seat of monarchical government micro module Huzhou station

Views: 2     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2017-04-23      Origin: Site

On May 20, the wisdom seat of monarchical government participates by the Huzhou Informationization Academic society organizes, the Hangzhou wisdom seat of monarchical government information science and technology Limited company undertakes about the data central infrastructure and the security problem seminar, attends the conference mainly for Huzhou various governments, the Enterprises and institutions data central related leadership as well as the Huzhou data central construction expert, the wisdom seat of monarchical government orthodox school micro module idea obtains the fellow leaders' affirmation, big encouraged the wisdom to reply at court to the emperor's question in the micro module unremitting pursue.

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Makes persistent efforts, wisdom seat of monarchical government micro module Huzhou stands 3.jpg

Makes persistent efforts, wisdom seat of monarchical government micro module Huzhou stands 4.jpg

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